To simplify the complex world around us, we often attempt to make it discrete. These discrete measurements help us reason about things without the need of complicated calculations. However, because our world is continuous (not discrete), occasionally we come across seemingly paradoxical situations when we near the boundaries.
One such example are the time-zones we divide our globe into. How can it be that by traveling a couple feet, from one timezone to the other, you could gain or lose an hour's worth of time? It doesn't make sense. The world doesn't tick like the hand of a clock; it slowly rotates leaving no room to draw any lines.
Imagine what the world would be like if we used the actual time. Both time and location would become relevant when planning anything. When traveling for an appointment in the west, we could leave a bit later; east, a bit earlier. This may seem impractical, but I can imagine in the future, as our dependence upon technology increases, it could be seamless. Below is a map giving you the actual time of any location you click. Note that this time is based on the current UTC which may or may not line up with your current daylight savings.
Your actual time: